Magma crystallization

Magma crystallizationMagma crystallization
  1. The research shows that the formation of two different evolutional trends is related to the types and proportion of fractional phases during magma crystallization differentiation .


  2. The characteristics of its occurrence , the electron microprobe analyses of albite in snowball texture and other evidence indicate its genesis of magma crystallization differentiation .


  3. The MA type is further divided into two subtypes of basaltic magma crystallization ( BMA ) and ultramafic magma crystallization ( UMA ) .


  4. Application of trace elements abundance relationship to estimation of physico-chemical factors in magma fractional crystallization


  5. Trace element abundances in igneous rocks derived from magma fractional crystallization


  6. The magma experienced crystallization differentiation , generating granite and quartz porphyry .


  7. Relation between Trace Element Abundances in Multistage Magma Fractional Crystallization in Magma Genesis


  8. Then , the authors point out that there in two igneous rocks formed from the same parent magma at the same crystallization stage are 7 essential patterns of concentration relationship between two elements ;


  9. The magma might undergo fractional crystallization of olivine , clinopyroxene , hornblende and weak plagioclase during the diagenesis process , which however is not obviously contaminated by crust materials in the emplacement process .


  10. This suggests that the magma supply controlled by spreading rate dominates the ridge crust temperature and magma crystallization depth .


  11. When the magma is in the course of rising it should be hybridized a little by the crust substance , the magma rises from the source to emplacement at least experiences twice magma chamber fractional crystallization process .
